Since childhood, I was attracted by the water element in any of its manifestations: ocean and sea, lakes and rivers ... The magical essence of water as matter, its ability to flow from one form to another, to freeze, as if dying, at low temperatures and reborn when heated - in this everyone has some kind of mystery, unknown, mystery! What can we say about how many living organisms the aquatic environment gives possibility of life? Among them, fish occupy a special place, striking its diversity1 Since childhood, I was attracted by the water element in any of its manifestations:
ocean and sea, lakes and rivers ... The magical essence of water as matter,
its ability to flow from one form to another, to freeze, as if
dying, at low temperatures and reborn when heated - in this
everyone has some kind of mystery, unknown, mystery!
What can we say about how many living organisms the aquatic environment gives
possibility of life? Among them, fish occupy a special place, striking
its diversity ,,,

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